Design: Living Ruby Pendant - Items - The Burning Crusade Database
Design: Living Ruby Pendant


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  • Sell for: 3
Design: Living Ruby Pendant
Item Level 71
Use: Teaches you how to craft a Living Ruby Pendant.
Sell Price: 3

Living Ruby Pendant
Binds when equipped
+15 Intellect
+24 Stamina
Requires Level 70
Item Level 113
Equip: Increases healing done by up to 36 and damage done by up to 13 for all magical spells and effects.
Equip: Restores 7 mana per 5 sec.
Use: Restores 7 health per second to nearby party members for 30 min.
Sell Price: 3 91 22

Requires Khorium Bar (4), Mercurial Adamantite, Living Ruby

Additional Information