Plans: Hammer of Righteous Might - Items - The Burning Crusade Database
Plans: Hammer of Righteous Might


  • Side:
  • Sell for: 12
Plans: Hammer of Righteous Might
Requires Blacksmithing (365)
Item Level 73
Use: Teaches you how to make a Hammer of Righteous Might.
Sell Price: 12

Hammer of Righteous Might
Binds when equipped
94 - 186 DamageSpeed 2.10
(66.6 damage per second)
+55 Stamina
+37 Intellect
Durability 120 / 120
Requires Level 70
Item Level 105
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 169.
Equip: Restores 16 mana per 5 sec.
Sell Price: 13 94 29

Requires Khorium Bar (16), Felsteel Bar (12), Primal Might (6), Primal Nether (2)

Additional Information