When the Cows Come Home - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
When the Cows Come Home


  • Level: 69
  • Requires level: 67
  • Type: Group
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Bessy
  • End: Thadell
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 67  72  77
Additional requirements to obtain this quest:
  • Your reputation with PLAYER, Orc must be at least Neutral
Escort Bessy safely back to her owner, Thadell.
Escort Bessy on her way home.
Suggested Players [2]


Realizing that Bessy is still staring at you, you gesture toward Thadell's location. You find yourself promising to protect the cow on her way home. Upon finishing your sentence, you realize there's no possible way the cow could understand anything you've said.

Shrugging your shoulders, you prepare to guard the bovine on her way back to Thadell.


You can choose one of these awards:
Wrangler's Boots Cowpoke's Riding Gloves Engraved Cattleman's Buckle Thadell's Bracers Hotshot Cattle Prod
Also, you get: 4 10


Bessy, is that you? <The farmer turns to you.> Thank you for bringing back my Bessy, <name>. I couldn't live without her!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12300 experience (7 38 at max. level)

Additional Information