Bring Araj's Phylactery Shard to High Executor Derrington at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.
Alas, the time to attack Andorhal and drive out the lich that controls it is upon us!
Inside the ruins of the city is where the lich - Araj the Summoner - holds dominion. He is guarded by numerous Scourge surrounding the remains of city's center, and his personal retinue of guardians attached to him directly is formidable. You will need numerous allies to even stand a chance of facing him successfully.
Destroy Araj, <name>, and bring me a shard from his phylactery as proof!
You will receive:
Your task has been given to you, <name>. Do you have a shard from the lich's phylactery as proof of the task being accomplished?
You've done it! Araj... the lich is finally defeated!
You've done a tremendous service to the Horde on this day, <name>. Your bravery and perseverance are a testament to what it means to be a true hero. Please - accept this as a token for all to see and know that you have delivered the Horde a victory for the ages!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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