Dwarfowitz at the Sha'tari Base Camp in the Bone Wastes wants you to recover Enormous Bone Worm Organs.
He wants his Fumper back too.
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I was right! These carcasses you brought me belong to the baby bone worms. Do you know what that means? It means that somewhere out there is a big one! I think we can get it to come out if we can provide the right kind of food. Let's see... something big! Yes!
I remember seeing clefthooves east of here on the other side of the Bone Wastes. Get out there and kill a clefthoof. Once it's dead, use the drums. Hopefully the big one will come up to feed. If you manage to kill it, bring me its organs!
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Take a friend with you!
Amazing! Look at this stuff! The thing-a-ma-whatever has some sort of dust inside its whatcha-ma-bobber. Bah! I won't bore you with all this scientific jargon. I did manage to pull a few teeth from the little ones to make these incredibly sharp knives. Want one?
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