Free the spirits of 8 Tortured Druids and 8 Tortured Sentinels in Southwind Village, and then return to Layo Starstrike at the Valor's Rest graveyard of Silithus.
To our southwest lies a tragic site - the ruins of Southwind Village. This is where our work should begin, <name>.
From what we've learned, this village was once a night elf base of operations for Silithus. It's long since overrun by the silithid hives that infest the wastes. I can only imagine the horror of the village's initial sundering...
The tortured spirits of fallen druids and sentinels wander the ruins aimlessly. Explore this locale, freeing the souls of these wretched beings as needed.
I had thought that maybe the huge swirling hive near the ruins of the village had played a part in its demise. It would seem that your work has proven this to be correct; the proximity of the hive poses a threat to any future work we may do here.
I thank you for your benevolence in freeing the souls of the fallen; such work is never easy, I know. When you're ready, however, I'd like to ask for your assistance once more...
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