Search Sentry Point for any sign of Private Hendel.
Hendel? Yes, I know the man. But why would you need one of my soldiers?
Elling sent you to find him? Hmm, I don't like the sound of that. Elling wouldn't have you come to me first if your business wasn't troubling. I understand if you can't tell me what this is about, but know this: I have a duty to protect these lands. If you're going to cause a disturbance, then I suggest you inform me of whatever you can.
I believe Hendel was stationed at the first tower outside of Theramore. Be cautious.
The man you seek, the one known as Hendel, is not here. Other sources have brought to the Lady Proudmoore information I believe you already know. She has asked me to find you, and give you aid in your venture. If you would allow it, I will tell you where to find Private Hendel so we can bring him to justice.
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