Retrieve Haggard's Badge from Dead-tooth Jack's camp, and return to Marshal Haggard.
Burlguard sent you, did he? Yes, I have spare weapons around here, but first I have a task for you...
A while ago a Defias villain Dead-tooth Jack tricked me. It was dark and he was wearing a Stormwind tabard and I thought he was Marshal Dughan. He said he needed my old Stormwind Marshal's badge and I gave it to him... and then he laughed and ran off before I could catch him!
Get back my badge! Dead-tooth Jack probably has it stowed in his camp to the south.
You can choose one of these awards:
Do you have my badge? I don't want to think of the mischief Dead-tooth Jack could cause with it.
Great, you found it! I feared it was gone forever, used by the Defias to impersonate a Stormwind official. Well that won't happen now, thanks to you.
Here are some weapons I used when I was a Marshal. I kept them in great shape--take your pick!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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