Fragments of the Orb of Orahil - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Fragments of the Orb of Orahil


  • Level: 40
  • Requires level: 35
  • Side: Both
  • End: Tabetha
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 35  36  40  45
2.Fragments of the Orb of Orahil
Require One of
Speak to Menara's acolytes inside the tower above Ratchet and choose one of their paths to follow. Afterwards, bring an Infernal Orb to Tabetha in Dustwallow Marsh.
Infernal Orb


Good, then we shall begin. The first thing you must do is speak to my acolytes inside. Choose one of their paths to follow--they will explain more. Second, you must travel to Desolace and find an Infernal Orb from one of the warlocks of Mannoroc Coven. It is that orb that you will cleanse with the help of a mage named Tabetha deep in southern Dustwallow Marsh. She will aid you because of our history together. Again, do not come back until you have done both things I've asked.


And obviously not being a mage, I wonder if I can trust you at all. I can smell the power of the arcane on you, but you seem to have eluded the stank of corruption that comes so willingly with your kind.

Yes, a <class>... a <class> has come to ask for my help.

Well, what is it I can do for you, <name>?


Oh, so Menara sent you. Fair enough... I suppose you may stay as my guest for the time being. But you must be on some pressing business - perhaps you're here seeking lost power? Maybe I'm mistaken. Maybe corruption isn't too far away from you after all.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 435 experience (26 10 at max. level)

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