The Second Rebellion - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Second Rebellion


Kill 15 Kurzen Jungle Fighters.

Return to Sergeant Yohwa at the Rebel Camp.
Kurzen Jungle Fighter slain (15)


We're fighting a losing battle with Colonel Kurzen. Not only is he a brilliant tactician, he outnumbers us at least 10 to 1! To survive, we need to use his own, covert tactics against him.

Enter his camp to the east and kill his men. Lots of them. And get out before reinforcements can close on you.


I hope you've been successful in your hunting, <name>. We won't last long against him without your help.


Well done. The loss of those Jungle Fighters will relieve some of the pressure on our camp.

But now that you've had a taste of the forces we're up against, do you still want to throw your lot in with us??


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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