Krazek's Cookery - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Krazek's Cookery


  • Level: 37
  • Requires level: 32
  • Side: Alliance
  • End: Krazek
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 32  33  37  42
1.Krazek's Cookery
Bring Krazek's Crock Pot to Krazek the goblin.
Krazek's Crock Pot
Provided Item:
Krazek's Crock Pot


I do most of the cooking at the camp. And it used to be a lot of work, until I bought a mechanical cooking pot from a goblin merchant in Booty Bay. The pot is a wonder! It saved me countless hours...until it broke!

Can you take the pot back to the goblin for me so he can fix it? His name is Krazek.


Hello! You brought me something?


Oh I see, it's a Krazek's Crock Pot! An ingenious piece of work, but it can break a spring or throw a gear now and then. Let me see what's wrong with this one...

Aha! Its steam charger is rusted out, it has a cracked knuckle-gasket and its fobulator is missing teeth. I'm surprised the pot could even boil a turnip in this state!

Can I fix it? Of course I can fix it!

But there's a price. Oh yes, there is always a price...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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