Bring 6 Shimmerweeds to Rejold Barleybrew in the Brewnal Village.
I'm on a quest, a quest to make the perfect stout. I know I can do it -- brewing's in my blood. I just need to find the right recipe...
The Frostmane trolls grow a plant, shimmerweed, high up in the hills to the east. They use it in their strange, tribal rituals. We dwarves haven't found much use for it, but it has a unique taste...and I want to experiment with it in my brews!
Get me some shimmerweed from Frostmane seers, or swipe it from the trolls' shimmerweed baskets.
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Do you have that Shimmerweed? I almost have a batch of stout ready to brew, and I want to try throwing the weed in with this mixture.
Great! I can't wait to use these in some of my recipes. There's one in particular I think it'll work great in...
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