The Essence of Eranikus - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Essence of Eranikus


Bring the Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight and the Chained Essence of Eranikus to Itharius in the Swamp of Sorrows. It is there that you will make your choice to aid Ysera's Dragonflight or not.
Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight
Chained Essence of Eranikus
Provided Item:
Oathstone of Ysera's Dragonflight


You engage the Oathstone, and Itharius speaks directly to your mind through the stone.

"By accepting the charge placed in this Oathstone, you agree to aid my cause and the cause of Ysera's Dragonflight in redeeming the corrupted soul of Eranikus. The first sacrifice, one of many you and I will no doubt make, will be to relinquish the gem to me that has chained what free-willed part of Eranikus' psyche remains."

"Do this <name>, and we will work together to redeem a soul worthy of redemption."


Here we are <name>, at yet another crossroads. The time has come to make another choice. What choice do you make, mortal?


You have made your choice, and so it begins. Your choices have been, to date, what I would consider to be the correct ones; your actions and deeds henceforth will determine whether this is to continue.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 55 experience (3 30 at max. level)

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