If you wish to learn more about Gnome Engineering, take the Manual of Engineering Disciplines to Tinkmaster Overspark in Ironforge.
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Engineering at the expert level breaks into two disciplines: gnome and goblin. Gnome engineering represents by far the superior of the two! It's about the construction of wonderful gadgets and devices that make life better!
<name>, read this manual. If you want to learn more on gnome engineering, then take that manual to Tinkmaster Overspark here in Ironforge. Remember - membership is permanent and prevents joining the other discipline, so make sure you are sure before finishing his task!
Yes, yes, what needs of yours might I address today? Clearly, I have the time to do such since all I do is stand here while our beloved city lies in a cloud of irradiated death.
Ah, a young engineer interested in pursuing the one, true discipline of engineering! Well forgive my melodrama, friend. While our situation remains dire, it still is always a good day to see another engineer respond to the clarion call of true engineering!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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