The Pledge of Secrecy - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Pledge of Secrecy


2.The Pledge of Secrecy
Require One of
If you agree to become a Goblin Engineer, then right-click on the Pledge of Secrecy and speak once more with Nixx Sprocketspring in Gadgetzan.
Nixx's Signed Pledge
Provided Item:
Nixx's Pledge of Secrecy


Goblin engineering is about practical uses for high profit and higher explosive power! Our schemata allow us to make powerful bombs and mighty weaponry; the manual you read covered this.

The manual also covered our ages old oath of secrecy on our schemata. Once you become a goblin engineer, that's that. There is no access to gnome engineering at all.

If you still want to become a goblin engineer, sign this document pledging life-long secrecy and speak with me again. Think about it carefully, <name>.


If you've signed the document and are ready to hand it to me, then that is that. You've been told that this is a one way trip. If you're ready, then hop on board!


Welcome aboard, Goblin Engineer <name>! You soon will have access to the most powerful engineering schemata anywhere on Azeroth.

Now that you have committed yourself to the pursuit of this knowledge, it is time to examine your goblin-oriented engineering work. From there, we'll help you build a plan to maximize your goblin engineering talents!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 42 experience (2 52 at max. level)
  • 420 Reputation with Gadgetzan

Additional Information