Thalanaar Delivery - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Thalanaar Delivery


Bring the Undelivered Parcel to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar.
Undelivered Parcel
Provided Item:
Undelivered Parcel


This parcel of goods you found in the Woodpaw gnoll camps was supposed to be delivered to the small way-station of Thalanaar in southeastern Feralas. Regardless of the missing courier's fate, the task of delivering the parcel remains unfinished.

Examining the parcel in detail reveals a hand written name of "Falfindel Waywarder" on the outside of the packaging. Perhaps this is the parcel's ultimate recipient.


Also, you get: 65


Welcome to Thalanaar, <class>. Do you need assistance of some sort?


Elune be praised, the delivery from Feathermoon Stronghold has finally arrived!

Your presence here indicates to me that perhaps some ill fate may have befallen Raschal, our usual courier. I hope that everything works out. I know that recently, the Woodpaw have become highly agitated from some source to their south. Maybe he fell to the wilds there; I would be careful, friend.

Regardless, thank you again. Here is payment for this parcel's delivery.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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