Bring Pestlezugg's Un'Goro Report to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar.
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My recent findings and the knowledge we have gained here today needs to reach hands that can quite possibly do something with it. As resourceful as we are here in Gadgetzan, we can't do this alone.
Take my latest report back to Zilzibin Drumlore in Orgrimmar; he's still in his place on the upper part of the Drag, is he not? He's got friends who are high within the Horde; if we can get them involved in this <name>, then we just might make it out of this alive.
While I genuinely appreciate this, I am not sure what good it will do us. The Horde ignores threats from any source other than the Alliance. While Thrall himself might take action were the facts presented to him, he is beset on all sides by conflicting advice. These fools would have us chase our own imaginary tails were they to think it might catch the Alliance unawares!
You have seen the threat yourself, <name>. We must remain committed to defeating the silithid!
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