The Pack Mistress - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Pack Mistress


Slay Halycon, pack mistress of the Bloodaxe worg.
Halycon slain


Some say the worg controlled by the Blackrock orcs are the creation of a supernatural force. Others say they are not true worg but instead a breed of demon dog, granted to the orcs by a fallen pit lord.

The truth is far less contrived but every bit as frightening. The worg of Blackrock come from Halycon and her mate. Halycon is the gigantic den mother of the worg. Her mate? Nobody has ever lived to tell the tale of that one.

Strike at the heart of the worg. Destroy Halycon... and <name>, watch your back.


You can choose one of these awards:
Astoria Robes Traphook Jerkin Jadescale Breastplate
Also, you get: 1 80


With the pack mistress slain, we can begin to thin out the worg sentries of the Spire and eventually make some headway into the city.


Rabid pups? Gizrul the Slavener? And you live to tell the tale?! Incredible! A tribute well earned!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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