Apothecary Lydon of Tarren Mill wants 10 Gray Bear Tongues and some Creeper Ichor.
Ah, another wretched day in Tarren Mill. All of this clean air puts me in such a foul mood, <name>.
The sooner we can plague the humans here, the better. I've been conducting intense studies on possible killing agents to use in my concoctions but I haven't the time to collect them all.
If you want to make yourself of use, procure the following items for me: 10 Gray Bear Tongues and the very rare and hard to find, Creeper Ichor. You'll find both bears and creepers just outside of Tarren Mill.
Also, you get:
1 50
I see you are back. I hope you were able to gather the agents I need. Another deathless day will put me in such a gloomy mood.
These specimens are perfect. Well, <name>, you have managed to bring me the slightest hint of joy on yet another miserable day. Your efforts are appreciated.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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