Clear the Way - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Clear the Way


2.Clear the Way
Require One of
Kill 10 Skeletal Flayers and 10 Slavering Ghouls in Sorrow Hill.

Return to Commander Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands.
Skeletal Flayer slain (10)
Slavering Ghoul slain (10)


With Andorhal's western and northern roads into the city well fortified, I'm looking to strike at it from the less defended eastern road. The Scourge relies on the buffer of undead that infests Sorrow Hill as a first line of defense. If we are to advance on Andorhal, we will need to do it through Sorrow Hill.

Your first assignment will be to clear the way through Sorrow Hill. Thin out the skeletons and ghouls that haunt the area; report back to me when this is done!


Also, you get: 75


Mission accomplished, <name>! Well played, well played.

Allow me to reward your work thus far with some coin from the Stormwind coffers. I'd recommend spending it on materiel that will aid your in your next mission... one that will take you into the ruins of Andorhal itself.

Be ready! Be vigilant!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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