Use Jaron's Pick to find the four Highborne Relic Fragments. Bring them to Aurora Skycaller in Eastern Plaguelands.
Provided Item:
The highborne spirits are miserable creatures, that's for sure. They are still searching for pieces of the very thing that has cursed them to Kel'Theril forever -- the stolen relic.
If you are that interested, take my pick and go south to the lake, see if you can gather the pieces of it from within the ice.
Now, I can't tell you a thing about what you find, but I do know of someone who might... Aurora Skycaller; she dwells in Northpass Tower in the northern part of Eastern Plaguelands.
Why have you come here?
The past of the high elves is something that I do not wish to discuss, <name>. Please, it pains me to think of all that has happened... And that there is no way to make things right.
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