Save patients by using Triage Bandages to tend to their wounds. You must save 15 patients before 6 of them die from their injuries.
Remember the order of triage! Critically Injured Soldiers die the fastest followed by Badly Injured Soldiers. Injured Soldiers take the longest to die and should be saved AFTER your Critically Injured and Badly Injured Soldiers have been triaged.
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Good day, doctor. You will be tested on your ability to triage patients accordingly this afternoon. Should you pass your examination, you will join the prestigious ranks of Horde Trauma.
Now pay attention! The critically injured must be tended to first. After the criticals come the badly injured. The injured should be tended to last. You must save 15 patients to pass this exam. You will fail should 6 of your patients die in triage.
Triage bandages will be supplied.
Good luck, doctor.
You will learn:
Miraculous work, doctor. Simply miraculous.
Doctor <name>, welcome to Horde Trauma.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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