Katoom the Angler at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to kill Gammerita and retrieve Katoom's Best Lure from her corpse.
Katoom mentioned that Gammerita hangs out on the coast with the other turtles.
Yo! There be a turtle out there not like the others. She be the Gammerita, leader of the saltwater snapjaws - a downright dirty thievin' reptile.
Mon, she stole my best lure. Snapped it right off my line! Since then, the fish just aren't biting the same.
Find Gammerita and get my lure out of her stomach.
Also, you get:
1 40
MON! This is fantastic! With my best lure and the snapjaw population down, the fish will pile up.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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