Report to Sen'jin Village - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Report to Sen'jin Village


3.Report to Sen'jin Village
Speak with Master Gadrin in Sen'jin Village.


Your trials against the Burning Blade are finished... here in the Valley. But I want you to report your findings.

Go to the troll village of Sen'jin and seek out Master Gadrin. Sen'jin Village is east out of the valley, then right at the fork.

Tell Gadrin of the Burning Blade, and that they have reached the Valley of Trials. Discover from him if they have yet reached Sen'jin.

Go, <name>, and be swift. I fear the evil found in the Burning Blade Coven is but the herald of a larger threat...


Hm... your report comes at a bad time. The Burning Blade is not seen here in Sen'jin, but their evil has taken seed off the coast, on the Echo Isles.

The orcs are friends of the Darkspear Trolls. Honorable friends. We want to help the orcs, but... we need help too.


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