Need for a Cure - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Need for a Cure


  • Level: 9
  • Requires level: 7
  • Side: Both
  • Timer: 45 min
  • Start: Rhinag
  • End: Rhinag
  • Not sharable
Find Kor'ghan in Orgrimmar and get the Venomtail Antidote. Then bring the antidote to Rhinag near the northwestern border of Durotar.
Venomtail Antidote


<name>... your timing is perfect. I just hope I can compliment your haste as well.

I was careless while fighting a few of the venomtails nearby, and one of them stung me deeply. I can feel its poison weakening me even as we speak. At this rate, I got maybe an hour left to live. But I'll need your help if I'm to do so...

Kor'ghan in Orgrimmar knows how to make the antidote. Find him... and hurry, <name>. I won't be able to last much longer. He should be in the Cleft of Shadow.


You can choose one of these awards:
Charging Buckler Light Scorpid Armor


I'm almost glad I can't return to Sen'jin as I am now. My weakness and stupidity would surely be mocked.


<name>, you've saved my life. Thank you.

Please take this; I hope it can at least help you in your travels, if not bring you some coin. From what you say, I won't be usin' it anytime soon. Kor'ghan is gonna march me through more of his rituals until I prove myself. More killin' boars, more gatherin' scorpid tails... <sigh>


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