The Dead Scar - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Dead Scar


Slay 8 Plaguebone Pillagers and report back to Ranger Jaela on the Dead Scar in Eversong Woods.
Plaguebone Pillager slain (8)


The black swath of soil that cuts through Eversong Woods is a permanent reminder of the day Arthas led the Scourge into our beloved city.

This blemish is more than an eyesore as even today it brings Scourge from the Ghostlands to Silvermoon.

Go, <name>, and give my men a hand in killing the mindless undead that walk down the Dead Scar.


You can choose one of these awards:
Black Leather Vest Gatewatcher's Chain Gloves Guard's Leggings


You're back, <name>. Did you fight off the undead along the Dead Scar yet?


We don't anticipate the Scourge letting up on their attacks any time soon, but we still appreciate any help we get guarding the Scar.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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