The Spirit Polluted - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
The Spirit Polluted


Elementalist Lo'ap at the Throne of the Elements in Nagrand wants you to destroy Watoosun's Polluted Essence and 10 Lake Surgers.
Watoosun's Polluted Essence slain
Lake Surger slain (10)


Part of this quest happens in ZangarmarshNagrand.
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Watoosun was able to shed the stink of corruption; but in doing so, created a twisted spirit essence. A spirit essence composed of the vilest corruption found amongst the elements!

You will find this polluted spirit of the swamp southwest of here, hidden in the depths of Lake Sunspring.

Find and destroy the polluted essence of Watoosun and any corrupt offspring that it may have created.


You can choose one of these awards:
Ango'rosh Souleater's Cowl
Salvaged Ango'rosh Pauldrons
Oversized Ogre Hauberk
Also, you get: 7


The Earthen Ring will help in any way possible.


The elements sang of your victory the moment the disturbed essence was destroyed! The Earthen Ring thanks you and wishes for you to choose a reward.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11300 experience (6 78 at max. level)

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