Return to Khadgar in Shattrath City and show him the Master's Key.
I seem to have memories about future events surrounding you and this key.
<Medivh looks at you like he's just seen a ghost.>
You have trying times ahead of you, <name>. Let us hope your strength does not fail you.
Regarding the key, I am to hand it to Khadgar when he's sent to me. I couldn't hope for a better apprentice.
I suppose you will need a key of your own.
<Medivh reaches into his robe and hands you his own key.>
Go on then. And best of luck, <class>.
You will receive:
His own key? Thats incredible! I do not sense any disturbances in our timeline, so I suppose it was meant to occur all along. Theres no turning back now, <name>. The key is yours and only yours.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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