Not On My Watch! - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Not On My Watch!


Huntress Bintook at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to speak to Lump. Return to Huntress Bintook when you have gathered the information that she requested.
Lump Interrogated


The battle plans were written up by an ogre lieutenant. His name is either Dump or Lump.

<Bintook turns the parchment sideways and cocks her head.>

It could also be Billy.

Anyhow, I think you should go back out there and have a word with Billy or Lump or Dumpy or whatever! Try to approach him diplomatically. If that doesn't work, try using some muscle.


He'll probably be asleep on a ridge.


Oh my! This is a small scouting and hunting party? You must tell Mo'mor what you have discovered.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 11000 experience (6 60 at max. level)
  • 1000 Reputation with Kurenai

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