The Twin Blades of Azzinoth - Items - The Burning Crusade Database
The Twin Blades of Azzinoth


  • Side:
  • Sell for: 27 11 61
The Twin Blades of Azzinoth
Binds when picked up
148 - 155 DamageSpeed 1.50
+40 - 60 Damage
(134.3 damage per second)
+75 Agility
+100 Stamina
+150 Intellect
+100 Shadow Resistance
+100 Arcane Resistance
Requires Level 70
Item Level 100
Equip: Consumed by the fury of Illidan: 1400 attack power bonus versus Demons. 20% bonus chance to hit. 30% melee haste.
Use: Detaches the twin blades, forming two separate warglaives.
Sell Price: 27 11 61

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