Better Late Than Never - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Better Late Than Never


1.Better Late Than Never
Check with the Royal Factors of Stormwind to learn the whereabouts of an Emma Felstone. There is usually a census officer located in City Hall.
Janice's Parcel
Provided Item:
Janice's Parcel


You pick up the package, wiping off a small layer of dust and grime that had settled on it. It is addressed in a hurried hand to an Emma Felstone of Stormwind; the delivery of the package is dated for well over four years ago.

Though it is unclear if Emma Felstone is even alive, it is widely known that the Stormwind City Hall keep records on the populace of the city. This is handled through the Royal Factors of the Stormwind Census.


Welcome to the office of the Stormwind census. If you are in need of information on our populace, then I can assist you.


A package for an Emma Felstone, you say? Last known address was Stormwind, four years ago? Well let me see here...

According to what we know, there was an Emma Felstone in the city about four years ago. Well, I should say possibly - this census I refer to is from five years ago, and I don't have a report of her vacating the city. This doesn't mean that she is still here though.

Wait a second... this package couldn't be for Ol' Emma, could it?


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