Good Natured Emma - Quests - The Burning Crusade Database
Good Natured Emma


2.Good Natured Emma
Find Ol' Emma in Stormwind and see if she is in fact Emma Felstone. If she is, then perhaps she'd like the package Janice Felstone made for her.
Janice's Parcel
Provided Item:
Janice's Parcel


She's a tad ornery, and quite possibly out of her gourd... but the records indicate that Ol' Emma does fit the framework of who Emma Felstone might be.

Perhaps you've seen Ol' Emma wander the city - she talks to herself, most often in nonsensical jibber-jabber. Still, she doesn't hurt anything or anyone, so folks pretty much leave her be.

All things considered, I would say that Ol' Emma is in fact Emma Felstone. You might try asking if her last name is indeed Felstone.


I would tell you to get off my lawn, but as you can see I don't have one.


My name is indeed Emma Felstone - you're the first person in years to call me that. Who... who are you?

You say you knew... my sister?! Is she still alive? Who am I kidding, of course she isn't. When the plague broke out in Lordaeron, I had come to expect the worst. So many of my family died... or worse. Here I am now, crazy Ol' Emma, all alone. What are you, a grave-robber or something? Looking for your next target?

What... you have a package for me from my sister?


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