70 Dungeon | 67 | 25300 | 4 40 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Heroic | 70 | 24 60 | The Shattered Halls | ||||
70 Heroic | 68 | 19000 | 13 20 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Dungeon | 66 | 25300 | 4 40 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Dungeon | 66 | 25300 | 4 40 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Dungeon | 67 | 25300 | 4 40 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Dungeon | 67 | 25300 | 4 40 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Daily Heroic | 70 | Badge of Justice (2) | 24 60 | The Shattered Halls | |||
70 Daily Dungeon | 70 | 16 39 | The Shattered Halls |